Recruiting Cub Scouts

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I became involved in Cub Scouting like you might have: my son attended an information night at his school at the end of his kindergarten year. As a result, he wanted to be a Tiger Cub (as they were called at the time). Dave talking to Cub ScoutsMy wife was “voluntold” by the other parents to be the den leader, and about 3 or 4 months later I was recruited by the Cubmaster to help the pack find a web provider and to be the Webmaster.

About a year later, the Cubmaster who recruited my son was leaving the pack since his son was aging out. His wife was registered as the Committee Chair, so I volunteered to take over when they left. That was over 4 years ago.

When I started in this role the pack had about 20 registered boys. When the pack grew to more than 40 boys, I became concerned. When we exceeded 50 boys, I was worried. When we got over 60 boys, I was scared. When we grew to more than 70 boys, terror set in. For the last several years we have had between 70-80 registered boys, and we still receive interest from the public.

My story may or may not be like your story. In actuality, that doesn’t really matter. What matters is that you have a desire to help young people join Cub Scouts. In the following posts I hope to share much of what I have found that has worked for me. Some of what you will read might be new to you. Some of it might be “old news.” And some might be a new way to look at things that you may not have ever considered. Whatever the outcome, I hope to be able to give you some tools to help you with your pack’s recruiting efforts.

Click the links below to go to the various parts of Recruiting Cub Scouts:


DaveI was a Cub Scout as a boy, earning my Arrow of Light. I joined a Boy Scout troop and was active for about 18 months, then I dropped out due to a lack of program organization. If I would have known then what I know now, I would have changed troops, but I thought I had to be part of a specific troop based on where I went to school.

I became a Cub Scout committee member in mid-2012, stepping up to Committee Chair at the beginning of 2014. Shortly thereafter I added the responsibility of being my pack’s recruiter.

Over the last 4 years I have talked to literally hundreds of parents about Cub Scouts. This series is based on my experiences and what I have found that works for my pack.

Fox Patrol W4-45-17-2I am a proud member of the Fox Patrol, attending Wood Badge course W4-45-17-2. This series of articles is part of my ticket, and I hope it helps improve Cub Scouting for you and your community.

This page copyright © 2018 by Dave Boring. Permission is granted to quote or reprint this page for use within Scouting as long as attribution is given to This site is not sponsored or endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America or any other Scouting organization.

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