Gary Vaynerchuk is a very passionate man. He’s a passionate New York Jets fan (Go Bolts!) and he brings that same level of passion to his business. He understands how social media works, and how to utilize it successfully.
I watched this video a couple years ago, and recently came across it again and took the time to re-watch it. Whether you are in charge of your company’s social media, or you just personally participate in social media, this video is for you. If you have any contribution to the success of any organization, this video is for you.
What makes social media successful? Why do you engage with some brands and not others? How should a company properly use social media?
From the video’s description:
Top-down, one-way exchanges are gone, replaced by relationships based on open, honest, and constant communication between customers and business. Today, individuals and brands that ‘out-care’ and ‘out-love’ their competition—with an emphasis on quality, value, responsiveness, and attention to detail, among other essentials—see the biggest returns. Vaynerchuk contends that the people and companies harnessing the word-of-mouth power provided by multiplatform media—those that can shift their outlook and operations to be more customer-aware and fan-friendly—will pull away from the pack and profit in today’s markets.
Take the time and watch the video. I’ll bet there will be at least one take-away that applies to you.